There comes a time in everyone’s life where the potential pain of continuing in the way we’ve been going is just too great, and it out ways the effort required to make the significant, lasting change we so yearn for.
Sometimes that time comes gently and we feel a call coming from deep within us, guiding us towards the direction we need to go. Sometimes it comes in the form an almighty slap in the face, such as a life crisis that we can no longer ignore. Either way, it is these times where life is calling us forth to fully engage in our own evolution. To quit being passengers but to jump in the driving seat of our lives and take charge, to amplify our life’s evolutionary process to actively participate in our own life REVOLUTION!
At times like these doing a therapy session here and there just isn’t going to cut it. We need committed ongoing support and guidance, structure and accountability to gain the traction required to get the results.
Over the many years that I have been a coach and counsellor I have recognised this need and so have developed Deep Dive coaching programs that cater for these particular life transitions. Each program follows a structured and progressive model providing a combination of education, shadow work, trauma informed therapy, and the all important accountability to help you deepen your understanding of the ways in which you’ve been hiding the full, authentic version of yourself from the world. Each program not only consists of video coaching sessions but has homework, exercises and ongoing support between sessions. This is where the rubber really meets the road, the ways in which you practice and implement what you learn into your life.
Below you can choose from two different options depending on what’s most suitable for you